If you start to notice ants around your commercial property, it is time to find a good way to remove them and make sure they are not allowed to destroy the area any longer. They may seem tiny and harmless, but this can be deceiving and you have to worry about them bringing diseases and more into the property. Finding some natural methods to remove them will make all the difference and can keep your whole home safe along the way


There are a number of different natural methods that you can use to get rid of ants and some of the other pests that are around your home. Some of these include:


# Vinegar: You can take equal parts of water and distilled white vinegar and mix them together in your spray bottle. You can then spray the ant-infested area where the vinegar odor in the solution will help to block the ant pheromones used to create the trails. This can be effective for short amounts of time until you find a new solution. 

# Borax: A solution of borax can work as well. You can mix about ¾ teaspoon of borax with ¼ cup of sugar. This will make a sugary snack that the ants will want to ingest, but the borax will kill them off and you won’t have a problem any longer. 

# Herbs and spices: you can sprinkle on some cloves, cayenne pepper, or powdered cinnamon along ant trails. These present strong scents that will keep the ants away. 

# Coffee grounds: You may love your morning cup of coffee, but leftover coffee grounds will be enough to deter ants. It is in the smell, so you will need to repeat to make sure the odor fades. 

# Citrus peels; Citrus rinds will kill the ants because of the acidic oil D-limonene. This doesn’t hurt humans, but it can be enough to harm the ants that are around the property. Just place rinds along the ant trails you see.


Whether you are worried about ants or some other type of pest around your home or commercial property, you need to hire the right professionals to step in and get the work done for you. Our commercial pest control in Pasco can provide you with the assistance that you need, bringing in the expertise and tools that you need to remove the pests and to keep your property and your customers safe the whole time. We will work with you to come up with customized solutions you are sure to love. Contact us today to learn more and set up a time for us to stop by.