There are a lot of issues that can happen when you have mosquitoes around your commercial property. It is a good idea to keep them as far away from your property as possible. Otherwise, the bites can be not only annoying, but will also cause the potential for disease and more along the way. If you are worried about mosquitoes and how they are going to affect you, then you will need to learn some of the things that attract them to your commercial property so you can keep them far away. 


Some will associate an invasion of mosquitoes will just be associated with water. This can lead you to thinking that removing large bodies of water and any swampy areas will be the key. This is going to be a good place to start, but since mosquitoes are able to breed in even small amounts of water, you will need to be more proactive here and think about some other solutions at the same time. 


There are a few things around the yard that can collect water and will lead to more mosquitoes being around your home and your commercial property. Some of these include:


# Any low-lying ground or contours that are part of the yard.
# Any of the drainage areas that are nearby

# Any plant pots and trays that you keep outside

# Patio furniture that may be stacked or overturned on the porch. 

# Tires that you allow to sit around the property

# Birdbaths that you leave out and do not get changed out that often.
# Trash that you leave out and around the yard. 

# Any debris piles that you do not rake up. 

# Untreated or neglected swimming pools. This can also include decorative ponds too. 

# Any roof gutters that are clogged up and you do not clean. 

# Upturned trash containers and buckets around the yard. 

# Wheelbarrows

# Pet bowls that you may leave outside for your pet

# Boats that are around the house

# Holes that are found int trees on the property


No one wants to worry about mosquitoes around their property. Finding a good solution will make a big difference and will ensure that you don’t have to worry about them again. Our commercial pest control in Eugene will provide you with some of the best solutions to handle mosquitoes and some of the other pests that may get there. We will provide some customized solutions that you can fall in love with as well. Contact a member of our team to learn about our professional pest control services for your commercial property today.