In a perfect world, you would have lots of time to pack every time you move from one home to the next, but in reality, there can be circumstances that require that you pack and move in a relatively short amount of time. While it can be stressful to pack in a hurry, there are a few tips that can help the process move more smoothly. For a quick move to a new city or into new apartments like these apartments near USC, consider trying out some of these methods to speed it up.


Before You Start Packing

Before you even begin the process of packing your things, it is a great idea to do some planning first. Don’t just start throwing things in boxes. Instead, think about what you need to pack first. Begin with items you don’t use every day, like seasonal clothes or decorations. Having a plan like this keeps you organized and makes packing go much faster. Additionally, before you start packing, gather all the supplies you need to pack, things like boxes, tape, markers, and bubble wrap. This way you aren’t getting up and running around once you’ve got got started.


Pack Room by Room

One of the best methods to pack fast is to go room by room, packing it up completely before moving on to the next room. This can also help unpacking on the other end of the move since your things can be labeled and moved more clearly into the new rooms. Packing room by room helps keep you organized and on task. It also prevents you from mixing up items from different rooms. Label each box clearly with the room it belongs to. You don’t need to buy a lot of packing materials either. Use things you already have. Towels, blankets, and clothes can protect fragile items. Suitcases, laundry baskets, and even trash bags can hold things too. This saves money and makes packing quicker.


Pack Your Essentials Separately

Pack a separate box or bag with the essentials you’ll need right away once you move. This includes things like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents. Having these items handy makes the first few days in your new place easier and makes unpacking on the other end less stressful.


Stay Calm and Finish Strong

It’s important to stay calm while packing, even if you are in a hurry. Stressing out won’t help and might even slow you down. Take breaks when you need to and don’t be afraid to ask friends or family for help. Many hands make light work. Make packing fun by turning it into a packing party, even if you are by yourself, play fun or relaxing music, and have snacks and drinks available. As you near the end of packing, don’t let up. Keep the momentum going until everything is packed. Before you leave, double-check each room to make sure nothing is left behind. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can move, and the sooner you can start settling into your new place.