Many tenants have to go through the debate on whether they would like to have a roommate move into the space with them or not. There are some benefits to having a good roommate move in with you. You will have some companionship when you come home, you can split up the costs of having to pay for the rent, giving you a bigger and nicer place than you can afford on your own, and you can split some of the other costs, like the utilities or the cleaning supplies.


Due to the cost savings, a lot of people will choose to have a roommate move in with them. This just makes more financial sense. But you also have to worry about the mess that someone else makes, the schedule they keep, and whether your personalities are able to get along with one another when you move in with one another. This is why some people will choose to just go with a smaller space that they can afford on their own, rather than worrying about the hassle of a roommate.


Living alone is often a luxury that very few people can afford, especially in certain big cities where the rent is going through the roof. You will have to take a look at your own unique budget to see whether you can afford a studio or one-bedroom apartment on your own and if you are happy with the space and the amenities you will be able to get.


If you find that it is too much of a strain on your budget to afford a place where you would like and with the amenities that you would like, then bringing on a roommate can make a lot of sense. You will need to take the time to shop around for a good roommate who will get along with you and you won’t have to worry about whether they will pay the rent on time. But once you find that person and make a roommate agreement, you will find it much easier to afford a nicer apartment.


It is time to find your new home and come to live with us. We are proud to offer some of the best apartments near Hollywood Boulevard and are confident that you will fall in love with some of the space that we have available in no time. Whether you are looking for an apartment that has all of the amenities or you would like to have a convenient location that is close to it all, our apartments will be here for you. Contact a member of our team to learn more.