Keeping an apartment clean can be a big job, with lots of different rooms to keep up with and different kinds of cleaning requirements. However, with a few simple daily habits, it can be a much easier chore to stay on top of, especially if you do a little something towards cleaning and tidying every day.


Start with the Bed

The best way to begin the day is by making your bed. It only takes a few minutes and makes a big difference in how your room looks and feels. Plus, a neatly made bed can make the whole apartment feel more organized. It’s a simple task that can help you feel accomplished even at the very beginning of your day propelling you on into a day of productivity.


Tidy Up After Meals

One of the easiest ways to keep the kitchen in good shape every day is to clean up right after each meal. Wash the dishes, wipe down the counters, and put away any leftovers. This habit prevents dishes from piling up and keeps the kitchen ready for your next meal.


Quick Bathroom Clean

A quick daily clean in the bathroom isn’t most people’s favorite chore but it can keep it from becoming a huge or overwhelming chore in the future. Wipe down the sink and mirror, and give the toilet a quick brush. These small tasks take just a few minutes and if you keep a set of cleaning wipes handy it can be even easier and quicker.


Deal with Clutter

Clutter can make any space look pretty messy, so it's important to deal with it daily so it doesn’t build up. Take a few minutes each evening to put things back where they belong. Pick up clothes, put away books, and tidy up any random items that have been left out.


Sweep or Vacuum

A quick sweep or vacuum of high-traffic areas can also make a big difference in how clean your space is. Dirt and dust can build up quickly, especially in the entryway and living room. Spending just five minutes on this task each day can keep the floors looking clean and prevent the need for a more thorough cleaning later.


Stay on Top of Laundry

Another chore that can quickly become overwhelming is laundry. While you may not need to do laundry every day, be sure to have a method of handling your laundry on a daily basis so that laundry days are easier and more organized. Have bins for different colors or types of laundry so that it is easy to see at a glance what needs to be done. Fold and put away your clothes as soon as they are dry. This keeps the apartment neat and ensures that clean clothes are always available.


Final Thoughts

Incorporating these daily habits into your everyday routine can keep your apartment clean with minimal effort. A clean living space can improve your mood and make your home a more pleasant place to be. Whether you’re living in a cozy studio or exploring new apartments in Mission Gorge, these tips can help maintain a clean and inviting home.